Early Orthodontic Treatment

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that a child receives his or her first orthodontic screening by age 7. Early orthodontic evaluation is critical in allowing us to recognize potential problems and correct them before they become more serious. This will save you and your child time and money by preventing future problems before they begin.

Early interceptive orthodontic treatment can be beneficial in achieving a desired result. Because a young child's permanent teeth have not finished erupting, we are able to thoroughly evaluate and address any developing problems at the earliest stage.

During your child's initial evaluation, we will first determine if there are any problems that need to be addressed, such as crowding, open bite, deep overbite or harmful habits. The Phase I treatment plan can include preventive, interceptive or guiding treatment. Orthodontic appliances may be placed to prevent a problem from occurring, correct a current problem or help direct facial growth.

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