My Kid's Permanent Teeth are Coming in Crooked. Is That Normal?

✅ Medically Reviewed by Dr. John DuRussel • Dec 18, 2023

When your child’s adult teeth start popping up in their mouth, it's like a rite of passage. But what if they come in looking a bit… well, crooked? Is this cause for concern?

The short answer is, it depends. Everyone’s teeth are unique and if permanent teeth come in crooked, they may or may not need orthodontic treatment. It's common for kids’ new teeth to come in at odd angles, only to straighten out as they settle in and as the jaw grows. Think of it as the teeth and jaws working together to find their positions.

However, while some alignment issues can resolve on their own, others might need a bit of help. This is where an orthodontist’s expertise and an early orthodontist visit is especially vital. That’s why the American Association of Orthodontists and us at Evergreen Orthodontics recommend kids have their first orthodontic visit by age seven.

Why Age 7 is the Magic Number for an Orthodontist Visit

So why age seven? Isn't that a bit early? Actually, it's the golden age for an initial orthodontic visit because by this age, kids have a mix of baby and permanent teeth, giving your orthodontist a unique glimpse into the future of your child's smile. An expert orthodontist like Dr. DuRussel is able to assess whether any crookedness is temporary or is a sign of underlying issues like crowding or bite problems. He might suggest early orthodontic intervention or just monitoring your child’s oral development as they grow, introducing braces or Invisalign® in the preteen or teen years if needed.

If your orthodontist in Evergreen, CO does recommend
early orthodontic treatment for your child, it will help address crooked teeth during a time when the jaw is more malleable. And treatment in the early years will make orthodontics in the teen years easier — if it’s even needed by then!

What Early Orthodontic Intervention Can Do

Early orthodontic treatment, also called Phase 1 orthodontics, helps a variety of orthodontic issues in young kids, from misaligned jaws to crowded teeth to correcting prolonged infant habits. Addressing these issues can make a big difference in your child’s oral health and their overall quality of life, now and in the future. 

Let’s take a look at the most common reasons for orthodontics in your child’s younger years and the benefits of early orthodontic treatment:

1. Guide Jaw Growth: Early treatment can guide the growth of the jaw and address skeletal discrepancies such as underbites, deep bites, or crossbites. This might mean a smoother road ahead when it comes to future orthodontic work. A misaligned jaw can benefit from early orthodontic treatment like limited braces, which includes brackets on only select teeth. 

Speaking of braces, you might be wondering, “Can you get braces on baby teeth?”  While you can get braces when you have baby teeth, the brackets of limited braces are only attached to the adult teeth when a child has a mix of adult and baby teeth.

2. Make Room for Crowded Teeth: Sometimes, there's not enough room in the mouth for all the adult teeth that have and will come in. The result? Crowded teeth. In this case, we at Evergreen Orthodontics might recommend a palatal expander. A palatal expander is an appliance placed against the palate (the roof of the mouth) that gradually widens your child’s upper jaw and allows more space for adult teeth. 

Palatal expander treatment is an option for kids with really crowded teeth because the upper jaw is still in two halves that don’t fully fuse until the teen years. Widening the upper jaw early is easier and more comfortable than doing so with braces later on. Making room for the adult teeth can also reduce the need for tooth extractions.

3. Correct Prolonged Infant Habits: Habits like thumb-sucking or tongue thrust are a normal part of a baby’s development. But when these persist into the toddler and early elementary school years, they can impact tooth alignment and bite. Habit-breaking appliances can help your child say goodbye to these teeth-damaging holdovers from infancy.

4. Boost Self-Esteem:
Let's not forget the emotional aspect of crooked teeth. Feeling self-conscious about misaligned teeth isn’t just something adults go through — kids can feel it, too. Addressing crooked teeth early can help with confidence.

5. Simplify Later Treatment:
As we mentioned earlier, early treatment can simplify or shorten the time needed for braces during the teen years, as well as help avoid the need for tooth extractions.

Set Up An Early Orthodontic Visit With Your Evergreen Orthodontist

An early visit to the orthodontist at age seven is all about ensuring your child's oral health is on the right track. And if you notice those permanent teeth coming in a bit crooked? Give us a shout. Schedule a visit with your board-certified, orthodontist serving Evergreen, CO and find out  what's happening in your child’s ever-developing mouth. 

Whether your child will need early interceptive treatment or not, being proactive helps the stage for a healthy, confident smile for years to come.

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